Satellite Meeting: Filling the gaps in Swiss nutritional research – a stakeholder perspective

The IUNS, the Nutrigenomics Orgainsation, Agroscope and the Swiss Society for Nutrition are organising an event on the gaps in Swiss nutritional research. Together with experts, participants will identify these gaps and develop measures to fill them.

Start12.09.2019 12:00
End12.09.2019 16:00
VenueLiebefeld Campus Conference Building, Schwarzenburgstrasse 153, Bern
Registration deadline12.09.2019

​Where are the gaps in Swiss nutritional research? What measures should be taken to bridge these gaps? Participants in the"Satellite Meeting” will address these questions within a conference and a workshop with experts. Together, they will focus on the gaps in research organisation, research infrastructure, scientific topics, as well as in political and social aspects.

This event is aimed at stakeholders from the food and nutrition sector, in order to promote innovative nutritional research in Switzerland. It is organised by the National Committee of the International Union of Nutritional Sciences (IUNS), in cooperation with the Nutrigenomics Organisation (NuGO), Agroscope and the Swiss Society for Nutrition (SGE). NRP 69 is one of the event’s partners, as a representative of nutritional research.

Participation in this event is free of charge.

Registration up to 5 May 2019 by email to